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Beijing Design Week tem um pop-up finlandês, o Wonderwater Café
Wonderwater Caféfrom Christian Borstlap
A semana de design de Beijing vai até dia 3 de outubro. E me chamou atenção por causa do café pop-up "finlandês", chamado Wonderwater Café, e a animação acima, que o acompanha e que levanta a questão da água consumida para produzir prato x ou y.
Do site Nowness.com, de onde tirei a novidade:
"Mercurial art director Christian Borstlap animates a sample meal from the Finnish Wonderwater Café, a pop-up restaurant launched this week at Beijing Design Week. Aimed at raising awareness of how much water is used to produce traditional Chinese dishes, the café’s menu shows exactly how much “virtual” water is used in making each dish to give the total water footprint of what is consumed. For example, a roast duck includes 6,949 liters for raising and fattening the bird, 166 liters for growing the wheat for pancakes and 137 liters for the sweet bean sauce."
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